Episode show notes
Today, in episode 46 of the Soulfully Confident Podcast, we are talking all about affirmations, what they are, how to use them, and why they're important. I say affirmations daily and it truly does amazing things for my life. This is super important for me to share with you all because I want you to be able to recognize your emotions and create goals for yourself.
But before we dive right in, let me introduce myself in case this is your first visit. Welcome to the Soulfully Confident Podcast! I’m your host, Emily Elizabeth, creator of the Soulfully Abundant Group Coaching program and certified Life Coach. This podcast is for the person who feels insecure, lost, and wants more from life but feels stuck. It is for the person who is ready to claim their confidence, self-worth, and take back control of their life. In this podcast, we will cover topics including self-love, managing your emotions, reconnecting in your relationships, and even manifestation. Remember, you are loved, you are worthy, and you are so capable of anything you want to achieve. Let’s jump in!
Check out the points below to learn more about what affirmations are and how you can use them. For even more details on each point, listen to ALL of episode 46 of the Soulfully Confident Podcast on your preferred streaming platform!
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are statements that are designed to create self-change in an individual and serve as inspiration as well as a reminder.
They can also help one focus on their goals throughout the day and promote self-change. Affirmations are used to reprogram the subconscious mind because as you do them, you uncover a whole belief system that was within your subconsciousness.
People use affirmations as a tool to develop a new belief system that actually serves them and helps them get to where they want to be. Overall, they can help you believe in yourself, love yourself, and create the life you want.
In this FREE 3 day training, I will share with you exactly how I went FROM: insecure, 'fake it until I make it' mentality, and very lost in my relationship TO: crushing my goals, feeling in control of my emotions, totally empowered to go after what I want, and to being in a truly secure and satisfying relationship.
Tips on how you can create an affirmation statement.
The first thing that you want to think about when creating an affirmation is what it is that you want to uncover and believe. Oftentimes, we focus so much on what we don't want in our lives.
The more you focus on what you don't want, the more negative energy you will feel. Think about all the things you DO want!
Tip #1: write, think, and say the statement in the first person. Affirmations need to be “I” statements. This is a very powerful piece to affirmations because you're connecting it to who you are.
Your being in control of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Tip #2: Write them in the present tense. Avoid saying, “I will”, and start saying, “I have”. This is part of retraining and preparing the brain because the more you repeat it the more you'll believe it. If you can't get yourself to say the affirmation in the present tense because it doesn't seem believable, rephrase the affirmation so it feels believable enough to where you won't reject it.
Tip #3: Add emotion into your affirmation. You want to feel good about your affirmation so make your sentence a little more exciting so that it evokes better emotion out of you. Make sure your affirmation is in the positive and not the negative.
My favorite affirmations.
Depending on what’s happening in my life, my affirmations always change. I have different ones for my health, my business, my marriage, my family and friends, my dreams, and so much more.
Feel free to take my affirmations and apply them to your life as needed! Almost every single day I say these affirmations:
“Everything is always working out for me”
“I trust”
“I am loved, I am held, I am worthy, I am enough”
“I am capable of anything I put my mind to”
“I am strong and healthy”
“I love my body, I love who I am”
“I love my husband and I love that we grow and connect more each day”
“I know that everything I want is on its way”
“I know that the perfect clients are always coming to me”
“I know that I can make as much money as I want”
One statement that I always make sure to say is, “thank you.” I say thank you to everything because I am a thankful person and I am appreciative of everything that comes into my life.
When you say your affirmations, you need to make sure you're repeating them often, day or night. The more you practice, the easier it gets. It's a building habit that's going to take time but I promise once you make affirmations a part of your everyday routine, your negative emotions will soften.
Affirmations: What They Are and How to Use Them: The Bottomline
I hope this episode was super helpful in getting an idea of the type of affirmations you can use in your life. Remember to repeat these statements every day for the best results. Everyone's lives are different so create affirmations that apply to you and your goals. Affirmations are a very powerful tool and I highly recommend finding the ones that work best for you.
To hear more about affirmations and how you can use them, don’t forget to tune in to episode 46 of the Soulfully Confident Podcast.
Thank you SO much for tuning in to the Soulfully Confident Podcast! I hope this episode helps you understand more about what affirmations are and how you can use them. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a few seconds to leave a rating and review. Each review helps me reach more women looking for confidence just like you.
Also! Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories with your biggest takeaway, and tag me @emilyelizabethcoaching! Can’t wait until the next episode!
About your host
My name is Emily Elizabeth, I am a life and confidence coach, and I am ready to help you take back your confidence and feel in control of your life.
I love helping women get out of the victim mentality, find their self-worth, and reconnect with themselves so they can not only improve themselves but all their relationships. When I am not creating content for my clients and programs, you can find me on a spontaneous trip with my husband, working out, curled up with my journal, or spending time enjoying the outdoors.
What I want to do for you all today is a little guided meditation, visualizations, and affirmations that I say a lot to myself and guide my clients through as well.