Episode show notes
Today, in episode 30 of the Soulfully Confident Podcast, I want to dive into perception shifts. This is such an important topic because if you’re looking to improve your life, it all comes down to perception! I will be sharing the top perception shifts you can implement as soon as today to begin improving your life.
But before we dive right in, let me introduce myself in case this is your first visit. Welcome to the Soulfully Confident Podcast! I’m your host, Emily Elizabeth, creator of the Soulfully Abundant Group Coaching program and certified Life Coach. This podcast is for the person who feels insecure, lost, and wants more from life but feels stuck. It is for the person who is ready to claim their confidence, self-worth, and take back control of their life. In this podcast, we will cover topics including self-love, managing your emotions, reconnecting in your relationships, and even manifestation. Remember, you are loved, you are worthy, and you are so capable of anything you want to achieve. Let’s jump in!
Check out the points below to learn more about how you can change your perception to improve your life. And for even more details on each point, listen to ALL of episode 30 of the Soulfully Confident Podcast on your preferred streaming platform!
How to determine the perception you have of life.
Let’s first dive into what exactly perception means. Perception is all about how we look at the world and interpret our beliefs about people, events, things, and the world overall. Your perceptions are often shaped by your past experiences, things you were exposed to, friendships, even your family. We have all these different channels going on in our brain that form our perceptions. Now, to determine the perception we have, let’s take a simple example. Let’s say there are two types of people in the world. There’s one type that views the glass as half full, the other type views it as half empty. Think about how you view the world for a moment, do you tend to look at things half full or half empty?
For me, I always look at things from a half-full perspective. If you tend to do the same, this is a more positive outlook. Here are a few more detailed questions you can ask yourself to determine your perception: Do you complain a lot? Do you find yourself blaming others for how you feel? Do you notice that you assign blame and complain about those around you? Keep in mind, we aren’t all perfect. We all slip into these negative habits once in a while, but the goal is to start asking yourself these questions and become more aware. Once you do that, you can get a clear idea of your current perception and start making shifts to better your life.
The biggest perception shifts that I practice every day.
I want you to take a moment and describe your life right now. What’s the first thing that comes up when someone asks you how your life is going? I have to say, mine is exactly how I want it to be. I truly mean that. This is because I’ve embraced these perceptions shifts I will mention down below. Of course, I still have my moments where I go back to old beliefs. Now I’m a lot better at pulling myself out of that because I know those perceptions and beliefs do not serve me. Here are a few of the biggest perception shifts that I practice every day, most are summed up as affirmations. The first shift is to feel good about what you have now. Understand that you can still dream and desire more without feeling dissatisfied with your current life. I know this can be challenging at first, most of us are used to focusing on all the things wrong rather than the good in our life.
The next shift is believing that every single thing that occurs in your life is happening FOR you, rather than AGAINST you. I promise you this perception shift will change everything. The next shift is similar, and it’s simply believing that all is well, life is good, and everything is working out. The fourth perception shift is believing that you are the creator of your reality. This is entirely true, you create everything, whether you like it or not. Your perception becomes your reality. Not to say that action steps aren’t important, action is great too. However, to make a change to your situation, you have to address your mindset and perception first.
In this FREE 3 day training, I will share with you exactly how I went FROM: insecure, 'fake it until I make it' mentality, and very lost in my relationship TO: crushing my goals, feeling in control of my emotions, totally empowered to go after what I want, and to being in a truly secure and satisfying relationship.
Steps you can take now to start shifting your perception.
I want to wrap up and leave you with a few tangible steps you can start taking to shift your perception. These steps include:
Take personal responsibility. If you are blaming or complaining a lot, own it.
Be compassionate. As you notice your complaints and blaming, it can be easy to get frustrated with yourself. Be compassionate and be patient, these perception shifts will not happen overnight.
Be willing to view things differently. Be more open to someone else’s point of view.
Pause and take a breath. If you feel triggered or find yourself slipping into a negative headspace, pause and remove yourself from the situation. Revisit everything when you are in a calmer mindset.
Get support. Whether that’s from a coach, someone you trust, family, or friends.
Notice patterns. If you find yourself slipping back into the same perception that causes emotional pain or anger, pay attention to that situation and what is causing those emotions.
How to Change Your Perception and Improve Your Life: The Bottomline
I hope this episode was valuable and that these mini perception shifts you can start implementing as soon as today truly make a difference for you. Ultimately, it’s important to know that everything is within your control. You choose your reality and you choose your perception.
To hear more about how to change your perception and improve your life, don’t forget to tune in to episode 30 of the Soulfully Confident Podcast.
Thank you SO much for tuning in to the Soulfully Confident Podcast! I hope this episode has helped you see your worth and gave you the tools to start to take back control of your life. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a few seconds to leave a rating and review. Each review helps me reach more women looking for confidence just like you.
Also! Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories with your biggest takeaway, and tag me @emilyelizabethcoaching! Can’t wait until the next episode!
About your host
My name is Emily Elizabeth, I am a life and confidence coach, and I am ready to help you take back your confidence and feel in control of your life.
I love helping women get out of the victim mentality, find their self-worth, and reconnect with themselves so they can not only improve themselves but all their relationships. When I am not creating content for my clients and programs, you can find me on a spontaneous trip with my husband, working out, curled up with my journal, or spending time enjoying the outdoors.
What I want to do for you all today is a little guided meditation, visualizations, and affirmations that I say a lot to myself and guide my clients through as well.