Episode show notes
Today, in episode 27 of the Soulfully Confident Podcast, I am talking about problems and solutions. I want to dive into a common sentence we all say that blocks our brain from finding the solution to our problem. I’ll also dive into how you can train your brain to avoid this sentence, and instead, replace it with empowering thoughts to problem-solve more effectively.
But before we dive right in, let me introduce myself in case this is your first visit. Welcome to the Soulfully Confident Podcast! I’m your host, Emily Elizabeth, creator of the Soulfully Abundant Group Coaching program and certified Life Coach. This podcast is for the person who feels insecure, lost, and wants more from life but feels stuck. It is for the person who is ready to claim their confidence, self-worth, and take back control of their life. In this podcast, we will cover topics including self-love, managing your emotions, reconnecting in your relationships, and even manifestation. Remember, you are loved, you are worthy, and you are so capable of anything you want to achieve. Let’s jump in!
Check out the points below to learn more about how to solve your problems without mentally blocking the solution. And for even more details on each point, listen to ALL of episode 27 of the Soulfully Confident Podcast on your preferred streaming platform!
Solve Your Problems: The three words we all say that mentally block us from the solution.
Can you guess what the phrase is that we commonly say out of habit that’s blocking us from solving the problem? “I don’t know.” These three words are one of the most negative ones you could say when it comes to problem-solving. My clients always repeat these words, and I challenge them to give me any answer aside from saying “I don’t know.” Take a moment and think about all the problems in your life. Some common ones I deal with upon my clients include finances, relationship problems, and health issues. What are the main things that come to your mind? Now, ask yourself what is causing those problems. You may think you know the answer. However, every single one of those problems you are thinking about is only a problem because you created it by the thoughts you choose to have about that specific circumstance.
Every time you say you don't know how to solve something, you block yourself from the solution. Every problem has a solution. Every problem is created by the human mind. You only think it’s a problem if you decide to perceive it as one. The same thing goes for if you decide you don't know the solution, then you perceive there is no solution. Your brain and your thoughts create every single problem in your life. The good news here is that your brain and thoughts also come up with every single solution to every single problem.
In this FREE 3 day training, I will share with you exactly how I went FROM: insecure, 'fake it until I make it' mentality, and very lost in my relationship TO: crushing my goals, feeling in control of my emotions, totally empowered to go after what I want, and to being in a truly secure and satisfying relationship.
Solve Your Problems: Recognize that you are causing the problem, but you also hold the key to the solution.
Instead of saying that you don’t know, recognize that you are causing the problem, therefore can also solve the problem. Those of you reading this right now may disagree with this concept and might think that there’s no way you can fix the problem. Maybe you are pointing fingers at another factor that seems to be causing the problem and it’s out of your control. You may be right to a certain degree, there are external things outside of you and your brain. You can’t force those things to change, even if your brain says that’s the solution. First of all, you have to accept that none of those external factors have to be a problem. It’s a problem because you think and establish it as one. That’s okay, you can choose to believe things are problems if you want.
If you can start recognizing the thoughts you have about all these specific things and shifting your mindset to taking back control over your thoughts, you will be on the path to better problem-solving. Think about this, the external factor causing problems is only doing that because you determined it in your brain. If all your thoughts are causing problems and your thoughts are in your control, why not start thinking of things that’ll make you feel better? Why not start positioning things in a way that isn’t perceived as a problem?
Solve Your Problems: Just because you choose not to view something as a problem doesn’t mean you have to agree with it.
By changing your way of thinking about the circumstance in your life, you will no longer view it as a problem. This doesn't mean you agree or condone the situation. You can disagree with something and not have it be a problem in your life. This can be a hard thing to understand, when I coach my clients and I tell them this, they assume that I’m telling them to be okay with the situation. That’s far from what I mean. In actuality, you can disagree with someone or something and still choose thoughts around it that don’t bring emotional suffering into your life.
For example, let’s say that you find out that someone you love lied to someone else you loved. You don’t agree with this person lying. Your mind is thinking all these thoughts around how it’s not okay and you need to say something about it. You feel overwhelmed and stressed from this, you are making it your problem by choosing those thoughts. Instead, you could say you don’t agree about lying but you also know that you don’t have control over that person’s life and what they say or do. If it comes to your attention, you can say you don’t agree and still have a love for that person and choose not to associate with the situation.
How to Solve Your Problems Without Mentally Blocking the Solution: The Bottomline
Your problems are yours. You only have problems with the way you choose to think about your life. All the responsibility is on you. You can decide how many problems you want to have and how many you don’t, it’s that simple. It is challenging in practice, we are human. Just remember that your thoughts are in your control and you can choose what you think. You do know how to fix the problem - remove the phrase “I don’t know” from your life and start unblocking your mind from solutions.
To hear more about how to solve your problems without mentally blocking the solution, don’t forget to tune in to episode 27 of the Soulfully Confident Podcast.
Thank you SO much for tuning in to the Soulfully Confident Podcast! I hope this episode has helped you see your worth and gave you the tools to start to take back control of your life. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a few seconds to leave a rating and review. Each review helps me reach more women looking for confidence just like you.
Also! Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories with your biggest takeaway, and tag me @emilyelizabethcoaching! Can’t wait until the next episode!
About your host
My name is Emily Elizabeth, I am a life and confidence coach, and I am ready to help you take back your confidence and feel in control of your life.
I love helping women get out of the victim mentality, find their self-worth, and reconnect with themselves so they can not only improve themselves but all their relationships. When I am not creating content for my clients and programs, you can find me on a spontaneous trip with my husband, working out, curled up with my journal, or spending time enjoying the outdoors.
What I want to do for you all today is a little guided meditation, visualizations, and affirmations that I say a lot to myself and guide my clients through as well.