In. One. Year.  

Imagine yourself in 1 Year from today.


What do you see?


Did you change at all?


Did you accomplish anything new?


Did you start the business? Lose the weight? Get the job? Find your love? Repair a relationship? Write the book? Travel more?


Do you feel better? Are you kinder to yourself and others? Did you realize your worth?


Seriously, stop and imagine. Imagine that you did everything you wanted to by this time next year. Really picture it.


What do you see? What do you feel?


Probably amazing, happy, excited, proud, confident, empowered!! Ahhh, so gooood!


I love to imagine that for myself, I see her, I feel all the amazing feels she will feel...except I feel it right now too. And, when I access all those emotions now, I take action now.


On the flip side...imagine the opposite. You didn’t go after what you wanted. You didn’t take time for yourself, you didn’t reach your goals, you didn’t work on yourself.


In one year, you’re looking back and you are in the exact same place, mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally.


How does that feel? Stop and imagine it.


What is it for you? Do you feel shameful, sad, guilty, depressed, fear, regret...what else?


All that...feels horrible.


You see, you have a choice. You get to decide which story will be yours. You get to imagine whatever you want.


You get to think whatever you want about you, but you’re doing it all wrong.


I know why you’re stuck and why you’re not taking action. It’s all changeable, I promise!


You can be the person that feels all those amazing feelings when you reflect on your year. Do you believe this for you?



With Love,

Emily Elizabeth