The power of your THOUGHTS
We all have circumstances in our lives. They are facts, no descriptives, no opinions, just there, completely neutral. It can be our past, our jobs, our friends, husbands, wives, ourselves, our weight, the weather, our home, death, anything that everyone can agree on as fact...and all completely neutral until we have a thought about it.
We then have thoughts about our circumstances. One sentence lines that run through our heads. Opinions, descriptions, a story we tell ourselves about things in our life. “I had a hard past”, “ I hate my job”, “ I have amazing friends “, “I love my Husband” , “I wish I weighed less”... all of these are thoughts, a story we create by adding our opinions.
Our thoughts generate our feelings. Happy, sad, excited, angry, calm, love, anxious, and on and on. It is never the circumstances in our life that cause our feelings, it is our thoughts about our circumstances.
Then, our feelings inspire action, inaction or reaction. When you feel happy you show up differently than when you are angry. How we show up is a reflection of how we feel, how we feel is caused by our thoughts.
And finally, our actions, behaviors and how we show up, what we do CREATES our results, Our Lives.
So, how are you showing up? Do you take responsibility for your emotions? Or, do you give all your power away to the circumstances in your life? do you rely on people, jobs, money, friends, family, things to make you happy?
Think about it.