Are you living from your future self or from your past self?
What does this even mean....I’ll tell you.
When we live from our past, define ourselves from our past, limit ourselves from what we have or have not done, judge ourselves from the “mistakes” we have made, fall into a victim mentality arguing with the past... we will never become who we really want to be.
If I ask you, “ Who are you?” What would you say?
Most people will search in their past to answer this. I challenge you to look to your future. Tell yourself who you are if it was your future self talking about you, the self that you desire and dream to be.
Use your imagination, limitless possibilities, dream big! This is such a powerful and revealing exercise to do. Write it down and feel all the feels when you dream big.
Our past is just a story we tell ourselves now. Forget about what you were thinking then about what you were doing, how will you think about it now? It’s your choice. We can literally re-write our past. All that matters is how we think about it now.
If you are stuck in the past, can’t seem to live in the now and want to start to define yourself by who you want to be and not who you were…
I can help you get there.
I truly believe in the work I am doing, I have so much love for all my clients and know the value I provide. Ultimately it’s 100% the client that makes it happen and rocks their world for the better, I’m just a little guiding light to help you get there.
Be confidently you, always,
Emily Elizabeth