Have you moved for LOVE? ❤️
Third move = the winner. Us visiting Northern Ireland shortly after I moved to Holland.
Have you picked up and left all you were familiar with... family, friends, job, comforts of home?
I have, 3 times actually. All for the same guy. I moved across the pond. AMERICA to Netherlands for a Dutchman.
1st move = fail, 2nd move = so so,
3rd move= ding ding ding! We have a winner. I guess the 3rd time really is a charm.😉
So what made the difference? A few things...
The first time, I literally had no plan. Just go to “be with him”, I said “It will be great”. Bad idea. I went from a life I really enjoyed to sitting around all day twiddling my thumbs and waiting for him to get home. For an independent girl, this was not good...at all. I even fell into a 4 month depression soon after.
But you know what, it could have been different, I totally allowed the circumstances of my life control my emotions. I wanted him and things around me to change in order to feel better. I gave all my power away and went total victim mode. I let my thoughts get the best of me and it was not good for me or our relationship.
Second time, so much better. I jumped into the culture, took Dutch classes, taught yoga,made friends...but, my relationship still wasn’t where I wanted it to be. I was still looking for him to “make me happy”. And that is not his job... that is mine, but I didn’t believe that at the time.
Then, I found this work. I learned that I had all the power to make my life exactly what I wanted it to be, no matter who I was with.
I learned to fall in love with myself, I learned that my thoughts are a choice and I am not a victim of my past or present circumstances. I started practicing thought work daily.
So, the third time I came to Holland, I came as a wife. But, I honestly don’t know if I would be a wife to my amazing, loving, supportive and oh so handsome Dutch husband if I wouldn’t have gotten my shit together, took responsibility for my life, my emotions, my actions. I fell in love with me, but also fell more in love with him. It’s amazing when you start loving yourself how your love for others grows too.
So, where are you in your relationship? Are you constantly looking for them to meet your needs?
If so, I can help. Book a free mini session with me (link below).
With love,
Emily Elizabeth